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2024/08/31 個展『幽明』のお知らせ
2024/08/31 ギャラリー『幽明』2023年度ヤング・ポートフォリオ作品追加
卯月梨沙 個展『幽明』
I played such games as a child, walking shakily on the white line, and if I fell, fell into hell.
Several times I fell, so I am already like a ghost.
What defines "living" is up to each individual.
There is not always a home where we can say "I'm home," a happy time of laughter, or a peaceful coasting sleep.
I wanted to be forgiven for simply existing as I am, but apparently that was an impossible desire.
Even if I tried a slurp of detergent down my throat, I could never achieve an amazing whiteness, and never get what I wanted.
That is why I want to prove that there is something I can create even with my own hands that have nothing.
I will live my life, not being trapped by the choices I have been deprived of, and turning even the absurd into funny.
- 2024年9月18日(水)~ 2024年10月19日(土)
前期:9月18日(水)~10月5日(土) 卯月梨沙による作品セレクション
後期:10月9日(水)~10月19日(土) スタジオ35分による作品セレクション - 営業時間:16:00~22:00
- 定休日:日・月・火
- スタジオ35分 ≪X≫≪Instagram≫
〒164-0002 東京都中野区上高田5-47-8
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